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Mike Estes - South Africa Trip
Mike Estes and his wife, Karen, visited the Northern Province of South Africa from June 9 to June 23, 2006. Mike hunted with Mbabala Safari on property adjacent to the Limpopo River where it forms the border with Botswana. The Mbabala Safari is a private concession and the ranch is owned and managed by a Professional Hunter (PH) and his father. The ranch is about 15,000 acres and is surrounded by a tall (8' to 10') fence that is electrified near the ground (bottom 2' to 3'). The purpose of the fence is to restrict access by poachers and to keep the larger game animals from leaving the ranch. Warthogs dig passages under the fence and smaller animals like duiker can enter and leave the property whenever they choose. The owner manages the larger animals and if the ranch has an abundance of one type of animal, they may trap and sell them to other game ranchers or may cull the herd and sell the meat to the local butcher.
Mike hunted plains game and birds for five days before he, Karen, Lon and Barb Rainey (Kennewick, WA), and Larry and Mary Wolfgram (Pendleton, OR) toured Kruger Park and the surrounding area for the remainder of the trip. Mike harvested kudu, gemsbok, zebra, impala, and warthog, helmeted guinea fowl, and three species of francolin (Crested, Natal, and Swainson's Spurfowl). Other plains game that was available to hunt included sable, Cape buffalo, bushbuck, waterbuck, nyala, steenbuck, and duiker.
Mike and his Kudu
Mike with his Gemsbok
Mike with his Burchell's Zebra
Mike and an Impala
Mike with his Helmeted Guinea Fowl
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