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FISHERMEN ACCESS BRIDGE OVER HORN RAPIDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL: An foot bridge to allow access to the Yakima River for fishermen was installed over the Horn Rapids Irrigation District Canal on Friday, March 12, 2004. It is steel with a treated wood deck, about 40 feet long, and had been surplused by the City of Richland. It was transferred to the WDFW by the City of Richland and installed by Richland City personnel. Prior to installation, Richland Rod & Gun Club members and others cleared the area where the bridge was installed with chain saws, picks and shovels. Club members who participated were Paul Kison, Bob Henke, John Pfeiffer, Bob Zinsli, Bill Siefken, Jerry Zeitler, Bill Hays, Jeff Rampon and Eddie Manthos. The City of Richland and its personnel need to be commended for transfer and installation of the bridge. Paul Hoffarth, local WDFW Fisheries Biologist, was instrumental in arranging transfer of the bridge. Michael Crowder, General Manager of the Barker Ranch, arranged and planned the installation and supplied the tools and also doughnuts.
Steps leading down the steep embankment to the footbridge and from the bridge to the river shore were installed Friday, April 9. Paul Kison, Mike Estes, Bob Zinsli, Bill Hays, Dan McGuire, Michael Crowder and Paul Hoffarth installed 45 railroad tie steps. Bob Zinsli donated five railroad ties and the Pasco ‘Ranch and Home' donated twelve. Bob Zinsli and Paul Hoffarth painted the bridge.
Site Preparation
Site Preparation
Transport of Bridge to Site
Off-Loading Bridge
Off-Loading Bridge
Swinging Bridge into Place
Placement of Bridge on Foundation
Final Placement of Bridge
Building Steps to Bridge
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