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Small Game Recipe
Calf Fries/Mountain Oysters

Number of Servings:  8


2-3 pounds of calf, beef, or sheep "fries"
1 pint of beer
3/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon of seasoned salt
4 eggs
Cooking oil


Remove outer skin from calf fries and clean well.  
If the fries are small leave whole, if medium butterfly or if large slice.
Soak them in a pint of beer for an hour, drain well and pat dry.
Combine flour with the seasoned salt.
Dip fries in beaten egg, then into flour mixture.
Fry in hot oil until brown (4-5 minutes cooking time).

Notes & Variations:

Contributor:  Friend of Jerry Zeitler


When I was a teenager in northern California, it was during WWII.  The ranchers there were pretty short handed so they would recruit High School students for many projects such as harvesting crops, picking turkeys for market, etc.  One of the major projects each fall was the branding, vaccinating and cutting (castrating) of that years calves.  A number of ranchers would get together with the aid of High School kids and would move from ranch to ranch to perform this task.  At the end of the project, there would be a big "Pot Luck" type of get-together with the main dish being the Calf Fries which I enjoyed whenever possible.

When I moved to Ellensburg, WA in the early 70's there were a lot of backyard Pot Lucks and occasionally one would bring fries as a dish.  I had never prepared them but I acquired this recipe from a friend.