Don't take too many clothes. They do laundry every day in the hunting compound.
Don't take your rifle. Ask the outfitter to provide you one. He'll want $50 per day. Just tell him that's the difference on selecting him as the outfitter and he will provide the rifle at no cost.
Do not fly through Europe. There's a good chance that your rifle or bow won't make your connecting flight. Take the direct Delta flight out of Atlanta or any major US airport with a direct flight to Johannesburg.
If you get a malaria protection drug, ask the pharmacist if there are sunshine restrictions.
Take good a sunscreen lotion
Take insect repellant
Take a 10 day hunt and reduce the time pressure
Arrange to have your horns and capes dipped and shipped to an approved taxidermist in the US
Add South Africa coverage to your cell phone before you leave