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Big Game Recipes
1857 Roast Saddle of Venison


To preserve the fat, make a paste of flour and water, as much as will cover the venison; wipe the meat dry, rub some butter over a large sheet of paper, and cover the venison with it; then roll out the paste about three-quarters of an inch thick, and lay this all over the fat side, and cover it well with three or four sheets of strong, white paper, and tie it down securely.  Have a strong fire, and baste the venison as soon as you lay it down to roast.  It must be well basted all the time.  A quarter of an hour before it is done, the string must be cut, and the paste carefully taken off; then baste it with butter, dredge it lightly with flour, and, when the froth rises, and it is a light brown color, send it up, with gravy in one boat, and currant jelly sauce in the other, or plain currant jelly.  

It take about four hours to thoroughly roast a saddle of venison.

The Great Western Cook Book -1857